Monday, July 21, 2014

Hainan Fowl

In our constant search to create the perfect warrior, breeders have tried using and infusing gamecock breeds from all over the world. Some notable breeders had success in the past, and up until the present, some breeders are still incorporating oriental blood and other ancient bloodlines. Herman Pinnion,  a very famous breeder was said to have used the Hainan Fowl from China in his breeding program.  During the 1930s Herman Pinnion...

Friday, July 18, 2014

Rooster Myth-Busting Part 2

This is a continuation to the article Rooster Myth-Busting Part 1. We list here some Myths about cockfighting that are circulating amongst non-cockers. Myth 11 - Cockfighting is a sport ONLY for poor men. Reality - This is not true. Actually, cockfighting is the sport where racism and aristocratism aren't present. The rich and the poor are both on equal footing. They rub elbows and treat each other as equals. Myth 12 - Unless forced to continue, roosters will eventually stop fighting when they get tired. Reality - During a fight between wild...

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Gamefowl History

There have been many theories on where our beloved modern day gamefowl originated from or when we started keeping them for sport. The exact time when the gamefowl was first kept in domestication is unknown.  The first mentions of cockfighting were in the reign of Croesus, king of Lydia ( 595 BC – 547 BC) and in India, it is mentioned in the "Codes of Manu" written a thousand years before Christ. There are also ancient hindu...

Monday, July 14, 2014

Pink Hatch

This is an interesting hatch bloodline. Unfortunately, I personally never had a chance at owning one as very few breeders have this bloodline. Well the authentic one is hard to find. Some say that the reason why it is hard to come by this bloodline is because some cockers aren't familiar and rename the fowl that they have. They mistakingly put them under the white or pyle family. Upon researching, I found out that there were a lot of factors in...

Friday, July 11, 2014

Rooster Myth-busting part 1

There are a lot of myths surrounding cockfighting. We would like to clear a few of these up. Surely there are a lot more so if there are others that we have yet to mention, please feel free to let us know. Myth 1 - When fighting, roosters will not peck on the eyes of his opponent. Reality- This is correct. Roosters will deliberately avoid pecking his opponent's eyes in a fight. He may inadvertently hit the opponent in the eye with a spur or blade but never a peck. Myth 2 - Many people say that roosters are trained or taught to fight. Reality -...

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Spangle Hatch

The great speckled bird is an old breed of gamefowl that has stood the test of time and are still winning with an utmost high percentage today. These fowl have a long history of great breeding behind them, Billy Ruble who was a famous man for his power Hatch cocks, Harold Brown had these Hatch cocks that he and Curtis Blackwell got direct from Ted McLean. Harold let Billy havethese cocks; the ones they liked best were getting old. Billy bought...

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

McLean Hatch

Arguably the most famous of all the hatch families is the McLean hatch. The McLeans are sought after for its power just like most hatch families, the ability that sets it apart is raw power. They don't need a lot of wind up to hit you with a big one. I remember a fight when our fowl was up against a McLean, we led the fight from the first buckle. He was one the ground just after 2 buckles and it seemed like his right leg was already broken. I...

Monday, July 7, 2014

Doc Robinson Hatch

The Doc Robinson Hatch is a good bloodline to have whether you are a beginner or someone who wants to improve the speed and ferocity of your yard. It is said that the Doc Robinson Hatch or Docs originated from the yellow legged hatch line created by Clarence Stewart from the "Bonecrusher" Jack Walton Hatch. Like any good breeder at that time, Doc Robinson was always on a look out for great fightingcocks to improve his line. Whenever Doc saw...

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Penny Hatch

Sometime in the 1970's, Sherll Penny hired a man from OK. by the name of Jimmy Johnson to come down and work for him. He stayed for 4 years with Mr. Penny, setting up brood pens and fighting roosters with Mr. Penny. During that time what they called the Left Nose Hatch came about, they named them this as this is how they marked them. The exact amounts of each are uncertain, but this is what was bred into and set as a family by Mr. Johnson, Ruble...

Friday, July 4, 2014

Japanese Shamo

In our hunt for the perfect gamefowl, breeders have tried different gamefowl to achieve success in the pits. Some "oriental" birds have been and are currently being used to infuse our modern breeds. One of these breeds is the Japanese Shamo. Some breeders use the Shamo blood to infuse gameness, improve bone density, bone structure, and even posture for some breeders. One of my friends told me a while back that he used the Shamo blood to improve...

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Holcomb Hatch

A few years back, I saw a really good fight in where the victor won in spectacular fashion. This hatch looking dark legged red rooster gave an amazingly strong punch that ended his grey opponent. I then asked what bloodline did he belong to. The owner told me that it was a Holcomb Hatch. Not too many breeders have the real deal Holcomb Hatches but the ones that do, are real lucky. I saw an article written by Frank Holcomb regarding the composition...

Blueface Hatch

The Blueface Hatch is just one of those "must have" bloodlines today. Most, if not all gamefarms today have this bloodline. I recall this instance when my dad's friend gifted him a pale faced red rooster. He said that it was a blueface hatch. I wasn't a fan of this rooster as his face was pale and he looked a bit scrawny. The owner told us that he was the only pale faced rooster amongst all his siblings, but he told us to fight him and see for...

Gilmore Hatch

This past week, we fought 3 cocks, 2 Gilmore hatches and a sweater. These roosters were bred by Ivan, a family friend and top notch breeder. The Gilmores won in terrific fashion and thus prompted me to highlight the different Hatch bloodlines. The next few articles I’ll be writing will be about the Hatches. Let me start with the history of the Gilmore Hatch. Lun Gilmore was a cocker and a good friend of Ben Ford, they fought birds with and against...


Together with Peruvians, Democrats and Mcclanahans, this is one of the bloodlines that I want to try. I have quite a fascination with the old or the more different breeds. Like any wide-eyed novice, it is my hope to help preserve the old bloodlines and help propagate them. Let me share with you a brief history of the Redquills. Long ago and far away, in England, there lived a family of cockfighters The Elsins or Eslins, which ever you prefer. This...


Peruvian gamefowl are a fairly old breed of gamefowl, dating back to the 1600s possibly earlier. They were developed by crossing various Oriental gamefowl with Old English Games and Spanish gamefowl. The Oriental breeds mentioned mostly were Shamos, Malay, and Asil as well. Most Peruvians come in the brown red variety, but as all gamefowl appear in others as well. They may come single or pea combed as most gamefowl, but most of the time they appear...


The Asil is the oldest documented breed of fowl in the world. There are Hindu text which date to 1500 BC which describe a breed of fighting fowl which perfectly match the Asil we have today. Thus, they have been bred to fight for over 3500 years. The Asil is very slow to mature. Most stags will not crow until 9 or even 10 months of age. Asil cocks should not be used in the breeding pen until at least 2 years of age and the cockers of India did...


Phil Marsh is credited for creating the Butcher bloodline, which is a blend of Grove Whitehackle, some Spanish fowl and Speeders. Calling them Butchers because of his occupation, Phil Marsh often fought under the entry name “Butcher Boys”. Some spangled strains from Texas made it to Cuba back in the 1920′s. Butchers are straight-combed red that often come white-legged with some coming yellow-legged. They are known for their accurate cutting...

Sid Taylor Blacks

The original strain of chickens from which the Sid Taylors of today were made goes back many years before the Civil War of 1861. These chickens were bred by Jim Shy of Lexington, Ky. Mr. Shy’s names has been spelled in several ways- Shigh and Shei, Shy seems to be correct, as it is spelled Shy in the Turf Guide and in accounts of races, in which his horses ran, in old copies of “The Spirit of the Times.” He is remembered today by some of the...


The Democrat is an old line which is noted for its gameness and power. There are 2 Democrat lines, the Payton and Roland Democrats. Democrat (Rollan) Clyde “Blondie” Rollan moved to Prattville, Alabama in 1954 and started fighting with Mr. E.P. (Ned) Toulmin and Mr. Elmer Griffin. They fought together until 1960. Mr. Elmer Griffin had gotten some good Hatch blood from J.D. Perry. Mr. Perry had gotten this blood from C.C. Cooke and Mr. E.W....

Cecil Davis - The man from Tennessee

Cecil Davis was born and raised in and around Dry Creek, a rural community in the hill country of northern Mississippi. It was probably economic necessity that prompted Cecil’s move to Tennessee. He lived most of his adult life in Jackson, Tennessee, and his fowl were always fought and advertised under the name “Jackson Club”. Cecil and his family lived at Westwood Gardens, an apartment complex. Cecil kept his fowl on various farm walks and at...