Thursday, July 3, 2014


The Democrat is an old line which is noted for its gameness and power. There are 2 Democrat lines, the Payton and Roland Democrats.

Democrat (Rollan)

Clyde “Blondie” Rollan moved to Prattville, Alabama in 1954 and started fighting with Mr. E.P. (Ned) Toulmin and Mr. Elmer Griffin. They fought together until 1960. Mr. Elmer Griffin had gotten some good Hatch blood from J.D. Perry. Mr. Perry had gotten this blood from C.C. Cooke and Mr. E.W. Law while he was working for them in the mid 1940s. The Claret blood that made the other side of the strain came from Mr. Griffin. Mr. Griffin had gotten them from Mr. Madigin. Blondie Rollan took the Hatch and Claret fowl to Mr. McRae to be bred and raised on his farm in Dennis, Mississippi. He raised these and many other fowl for Blondie for several years. When Blondie took some of the stags from the Hatch Claret matings, to his place, in Prattville, Alabama, people coming by the farm to visit would comment on how beautiful they were and that they should have a name. At this time in the 1960s, Blondie was listening to the debates between Kennedy and Nixon. He decided to vote for Kennedy and named his beautiful new strand of fowl Democrats. Kennedy was a winner and so were the Democrats. The Democrats come light to dark red feathered, mostly green and yellow legs with an occasional blue legs, heavy plumage and stand very well and cut excellently. They are dead game. Paul Webster acquired his Democrats from Blondie and Mr. McRae in the early 1960s. Democrats have plenty of power, smart, with a determination to win. Even if they get hurt, they have the desire to come back and be a winner.

Democrat (Payton)

Bred by Buddy and Bobby Payton of Alabama. The Democrat Hatch was the first bloodline used by the Paytons. Typically come yellow leg, dark red, heavy plumage, straight comb, very smart fowl. These fowl consisted of Hatch – Clarets. According to Bobby Payton, “My Democrat cocks fight a different style than any other cocks I have seen. These cocks side step and wait for their opponent to make only one mistake. These cocks are very intelligent, strong, good natured and game beyond comparison. these birds fight well as pures and as crosses, the best crosses are the Democrat-Hatch cross and the Democrat-Radio cross”.

To date, only a few breeders still maintain this line and thus it is getting harder and harder to come across. Since I started cockfighting, I was only able to own one rooster which was a Democrat-Hatch cross, at he was amazing to say the least. He won twice in spectacular fashion, the second fight cost him his life.

Cover Cock - This fine specimen is a Payton Democrat from KDS Gamefowl

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