This bloodline has been winning for 30 years now and the last WSC just proved that once more. Let me share the real make up of the Karachi Hatch to everyone as detailed by the great Mr. Eddie Araneta himself in an article and interview.
The Karachi Hatch
In 1966, Eddie Araneta invited Billy Ruble to come to the Philippines to fight in the International. At that time and up to 1968, the international fights were always a main of Duke Hulsey against all and thereafter, a series of big hack fights. Billy brought with him 40 cocks. In that batch there were 12 brothers that were marked Right Out-Left Nose (ROLN). They were sleek looking and lemon hackle red in color. Most were pea combed and green legged. According to Billy, they were 3/4 Hatch (Mclean & Blue Face) , 1/8 Whitehackle and 1/8 Claret. In that International event, they fought 22 times and overall they scored 14 wins 1 draw & 7 losses. They fought 10 of the ROLN cocks and they scored 7 wins and 3 losses. They scored 2-1 against Duke Hulsey and 3-1 against Joe Goode who was also here in the Philippines. The ROLN cocks were awesome to say the least. They fought real well and smart and every time they hit, they hurt the other cocks badly. The 22 fights that they had were fought in a span of 3 weeks in Araneta an in the old Paranaque cockpit now known as Roligon.
Up to that point in time, Eddie Araneta (E.A.) was not too keen in breeding as they were doing real well with Billy’s cocks. However, in 1967 there was a ban on importation of cocks and E.A. was left with no other recourse but to breed from this end. In 1967, Billy sent him 8 hens and they were bred individually to the ROLN cocks. At that time, E.A. did not mind the fact that a brother-sister mating was not advisable. The pullets from yard A were then bred to the brood cock in yard B. The pullets in Yard B were bred to the brood cock in Yard C and so on in the other yards. The pullets from one yard were never bred to their daddies. Using the same system, he bred the stags from one yard to the original hens from the other yards. These breeding yards is the makeup of the Karachi Hatch 30 years ago.
In 1995, E.A. was introduced to Larry Powell by Mac White. He invited Larry Powell to come over for the 1995 International Derby. Larry informed him on the authenticity of his Rubles. The same year, he acquired 2 Ruble trios from Larry and they have been blended to his Karachi Hatch.
We have to go back a year before,. in 1994, E.A. was introduced to a top American cocker named Bob Howard by another great Filipino breeder, Esting Teopacio. The Bob Howard cocks were Murphys, Kelsos, and Hatch. Bob informed E.A. that his Hatch blood were either Mcleans or Billy Ruble Hatch. There was one particular cock in the yards of Esting Teopaco that was a brood cock from Bob that was a pure Ruble. That cock was loaned to E.A. by Esting and he had that cock in the farm for 6 months. He named the cock Uncle Bob. He bred Uncle Bob to his pure Karachi hens.
To date, the Karachi Hatch 30 years after is more or less bred this way. It is 60% Billy Ruble (ROLN), 15% Larry Powell Ruble, 15% Bob Howard Ruble and 10% Ray Alexander Griffin Claret -Lacy Roundhead.
Thanks to Eddie Araneta’s Liza Galore for providing this information.
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